Dates with myself
Going out on dates with myself is not something new for me. Usually the dates I go to are coffee dates, small events where I do something or learn something, but last night, I went to a biggest one yet all by myself.
I’m not going to lie I felt self-conscious about it, thought of cancelling it and asking for a refund. Even when I was in line and seeing everyone going with their family or friends I felt out of place. Yet I stayed, why?
It was a great opportunity to get out of my comfort zone, I am so used needing others to come with me not only to enjoy their company but also to have a safety net. The conditioning in me has drilled in me that something will bad will happen to me if I am alone.
The reason I started to go on dates with myself was because I choose to learn how to love my own company; how to have fun have with myself. The more I went these dates the more I allowed myself to enjoy my time without worrying or pressuring others to have fun.
Rather than do what I have done before for so long, and that is look at the people I am with, sometimes ask them to gage if they are enjoying their time so that I can allow myself to enjoy my time too.
Being in your own company can be daunting with all that inner dialogue especially in the beginning. Taking baby steps helps a lot:
1- Going out for a walk/ a hike
2- Going to a coffee shop by yourself
3- Going to a bookstore, get a book you like and go read it in the park.
4- Sign up and GO to a class (yoga, dancing, pottery, paint night)
Once you start, the more often you do it, the easier and funner it gets.