Affirmation of the day:
Peace is not the same as justice, even though peace is a beautiful concept, it can be used by oppressors to control their victims.
On a personal level, if you were in an abusive relationship (whatever the relationship might be) before you would know that being quiet to keep the peace was the motto that sadly allowed others to continue their abuse.
On a community level, you might have been told to keep the peace and not rock the boat when someone harms you in some way and they are in a position of power or higher status.
On a political level, you might lived in a place where it was imperative to keep the peace so that you could survive even if your rights were taken away from you; at least you’re alive.
And now in these times we see people waking up to the reality, that this “peace” that used to harm our people, to judge them, discriminate against, to treat them inhumane is just a co-lonial attempt to control us.
For us to be our authentic selves and heal these generational wounds, it must be our decision to use our voice even if it is low and shaky. It will still vibrate and raise the vibration of the collective.
It can be scary, and that is okay.. the way to heal your wounded voice and throat chakra is by speaking up for what you believe.
Fala-steen Hur-rah🍉💛.